General Terms and Conditions. Travel insurance


This Insurance Contract is governed by current legislation and by what is agreed in these General Conditions, as well as the Special and Particular Conditions of the Policy which constitute a whole unitary basis of the insurance, which only covers the risks specified therein.



Bodily injury or material damage suffered during the validity period of the contract, which derives from a violent, sudden and external cause that is not attributable to the Insured Party.


The physical person with habitual residence in Spain who is listed in the Particular Conditions, title holder of the insurance policy, who assumes the obligations derived from the contract.


EUROP ASSISTANCE ESPAÑA, S.A. DE SEGUROS Y REASEGUROS, which assumes the risk defined in the policy.


The habitual residence of the Insured Party is understood to be their residence in Spain that is listed in the insurance policy, from where he/she will embark on the journeys covered in this Contract.


Any alteration in the state of health of an individual which entails hospitalisation and which makes it impossible for the Insured Party to embark on their travels, prevents said journey from being resumed on the planned date or entails a risk of death.


Unless expressly specified, only the alteration of an individual’s state of health during a trip covered by the policy, with this disease being diagnosed and confirmed by a legally recognised doctor or dentist and which requires medical assistance, will be covered by this contract.


Set of clothes and personal belongings for use and personal hygiene that are required during the trip and which are contained inside the individual’s suitcase(s).


For the purpose of the guarantees, a “foreign” country understood as a country other than that of the Insured Party’s habitual residence.


Spouse or common-law partner duly recorded in the corresponding Official Registry, parents, in-laws, children and siblings of the Insured Party.


The taking of other people’s personal belongings that does not entail the use of violence or intimidation with the individuals or the use of force with the belongings.


The amounts that appear as the limit in each of the guarantees of this contract are understood to be the maximum amounts that can be accumulated during the validity period that appears in the Particular Conditions, according to the chosen contractual modality, unless expressly indicated otherwise.


The contractual document that contains the conditions that govern the insurance. The policy is constituted by the General, Particular and Special Conditions and those referring specifically to the risk, as well as the annexes or appendices that are issued to the same in order to complete or modify it.


This is the price of the insurance. The receipt will also contain the legally applicable surcharges and taxes.


The taking of other people’s personal belongings that entails the use of violence or intimidation with the individuals or the use of force with the belongings.


Any sudden, accidental, unforeseen or unintentional event for which the harmful consequences are covered by the guarantees of this policy. The set of damages deriving from the same cause shall be treated as a single disaster.


The physical or legal person who enters into this contract with the Insurer, and to whom the obligations arising from said policy correspond, except for those obligations which must be fulfilled by the Insured Party owing to their nature.


Travel refers to all the trips made by the Insured Party outside of their Habitual Residence, from the moment they leave to the point of their return.

  • Temporary modalities: ‘Travel’ will be understood as all journeys made outside of the habitual residence of the Insured Party, from the moment they leave their residence until their return at the end of the journey.
  • Annual modalities: In these cases, ‘travel’ will be understood as all journeys made outside of the habitual residence of the Insured Party, from the moment they leave their residence until their return, with stays in their own residence during the coverage period not being counted as ‘travel’.


To guarantee against the consequences of risks whose coverage is specified in the Policy and which occur as a consequence of a fortuitous event during the course of the trip outside of the habitual residence, within the covered territorial area, modality and period contracted and with the limits indicated therein, and to provide the services defined according to the modality subscribed to. The guarantees of the contract shall cease to have effect once the trip has ended, and once the Policy Holder and other Insured Parties have returned to their Habitual Residence.
The settlement of any compensation owing to the cancellation of the paid and insured trip will issued in euros.


People aged over 75 will have a 100% increase in their premium.
The provision of Accident Insurance only covers people aged between 17 and 70.
The practice of winter sports is not covered by this policy.


The insurance contract shall become valid on the date stipulated in the Particular Conditions, providing that the policy has been signed/accepted and the premium has been met. This date cannot be later than the first day of travel. The guarantee of the cancellation expenses for a trip that has not started will take effect as long as at least 72 hours have passed between the point at which the insurance was taken out and the time of the event that caused the trip to be cancelled.
The policy can be cancelled before it becomes valid. Once the insured period has begun, the premium will not be refunded in any circumstances. The duration shall be that specified in the Particular Conditions.


Europe (including Spain). Countries bordering the Mediterranean: Morocco, Tunisia, Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Lebanon, Libya, Syria. The guarantees insured by this policy shall be valid throughout the territorial area specified in the Particular Conditions, except in the area of kilometric allowance established and/or in the definition of the provision or service itself, where they shall not be valid. In any event, unless expressly stated otherwise, those countries which, even when located within the contracted territorial area, are in a state of war, insurrection or warlike conflicts of any kind or nature during the period of travel, even if these have not been officially declared, are excluded. In this case, EUROP ASSISTANCE shall reimburse covered and duly justified expenses upon presentation of the original receipt accrediting said expense.


The policy covers the Insured Party and/or Insured Vehicles from 35 km outside of their habitual residence, with this figure being 15 km in the Balearic Islands and the Canary Islands.


The Policy Holder is obliged to pay the premium up front when the policy is formalised. In any case, if the premium has not been paid before the disaster occurs, EUROP ASSISTANCE is not obliged to pay anything.


Upon the occurrence of an event that could give rise to the provision of any of the guarantees covered in the contract, the disaster must be reported immediately to the telephone number +34 902 15 85 85 (if calling from abroad, +34 91 514 99 00) or by any other means that provides a record of the communication of said disaster. In general, those provisions that have not been previously reported to EUROP ASSISTANCE and those for which the corresponding authorisation has not been obtained are expressly excluded.
If force majeure renders it impossible to report this event, it must be communicated as soon as the event preventing said communication ceases.
Having established contact, the Insured Party shall indicate: his/her policy number, full name, current location and their contact telephone number before reporting the circumstances of the disaster and the type of assistance that he/she requires.
Having received notification,EUROP ASSISTANCE shall give the pertinent instructions that will allow the required service to be provided. If the Insured Party fails to comply with the instructions given by EUROP ASSISTANCE, he/she shall incur all expenses that derive from said failure to comply.
Reimbursements made by EUROP ASSISTANCE are made in compliance with the provisions of Spanish law, specifically those established for cash payments and capital outflows from the national territory. Thus, in the event that the covered contingency costs were paid in cash by the Insured Party outside of Spain, EUROP ASSISTANCE will only reimburse the amount equal to or greater than 10,000 Euros or its equivalent in foreign currency upon presentation of a bank statement proving that this amount was withdrawn outside of Spain, or if it has been declared in accordance with the provisions of article 34 of Law 10/2010 on the prevention of money laundering.


EUROP ASSISTANCE provides Insured Parties with a Claims Service, whose regulations can be consulted on the website Policy holders, insured parties, beneficiaries, injured third parties or successors to any of the above can make a claim in the “Client Defence” section of the website, or by sending a letter to the Claims Department: Address:
Servicio de Reclamaciones (Claims Department)
Cl. Orense, 4 – Planta 14
28020- MADRID
This Department, which operates independently, shall attend and resolve the written claims that are directly addressed to it within a maximum period of 2 months, thereby complying with the provisions of Law ECO/734/2004 of 11 March and Law 44/2002 of 22 November.
Once the Claims Department process has been exhausted, the claimant may file a complaint with the Commissioner for the Defence of Insured Parties and Pension Plan Participants (affiliated to the Directorate General of Insurance and Pension Funds), whose address is:
Pº de la Castellana, 44
28046- MADRID


The Policy Holder is obliged to communicate, in writing, any change in the details that appear in the contract to EUROP ASSISTANCE within a period of 24 hours. If he/she fails to do this, EUROP ASSISTANCE reserves the right to suspend the insured guarantees.


EUROP ASSISTANCE is subrogated, up to the total cost of the services provided by it, to the rights and actions which correspond to the Insured Party against any person responsible for the events and which have led to its intervention. When the guarantees made in execution of this Contract are covered in whole or in part by another Insurance Company, by Social Security or by any other institution or person, EUROP ASSISTANCE shall be subrogated to the rights and actions of the Insured Party against the aforementioned company or institution. To this effect, the Insured Party is obliged to actively collaborate with EUROP ASSISTANCE, offering any form of assistance or providing any document that may be deemed necessary.
In any case, EUROP ASSISTANCE shall have the right to use, or to request the submission of the transport ticket (train/plane ticket, etc.) held by the Insured Party, when the expenses for returning have been incurred by EUROP ASSISTANCE.


In the event of a disaster, EUROP ASSISTANCE will not assume any responsibility for decisions and actions taken by the Insured Party that contradict its instructions or those of its Medical Department.


The Insured Party and EUROP ASSISTANCE agree to act in accordance with Spanish legislation and jurisdiction for the effects of this Contract.
The competent judge for the recognition of the actions derived from the Contract shall be the judge of the habitual residence of the Insured Party.


  1. Medical expenses.

    In the event that the Insured Party suffers an unexpected illness or accident during their travels, EUROP ASSISTANCE guarantees, for the validity period of the Contract and up to a limit of 100,000 euros when abroad and 2,000 euros in Spain, for the contracted period and to each Insured Party, the expenses listed below:

    • Medical fees.
    • Medicinal products prescribed by a doctor or surgeon.
    • Hospital fees.
    • Ambulance fees ordered by a doctor for a local journey.

    The amounts guaranteed in foreign countries and in Spain are not additional.
    In the event that EUROP ASSISTANCE has not directly intervened and in order for such expenses to be reimbursed, the corresponding original invoices must be presented alongside a full medical report containing information on the background events, diagnosis and treatment, which allows the nature of the unexpected disease to be established.
    Foreigners who are resident in Spain when travelling to their country with a valid passport will receive the same guarantees described in this section for a trip to Spain.
    The expenses incurred will, in any case, be a reason for EUROP ASSISTANCE to subrogate the payments to which the Insured Party is entitled, for Social Security benefits or for any other welfare or private insurance scheme to which he/she is affiliated

  2. Dental Expenses.

    In application of the “Medical Expenses” guarantee and within the limit specified therein, dental expenses that are deemed to be emergent—excluding endodontics, aesthetic reconstructions of previous treatments, prostheses, covers and implants—are covered up to a limit of 120 euros.

  3. Extension of hotel stay owing to illness or accident.

    When the nature of the sudden illness or accident makes it impossible for the Insured Party to continue the trip, and when he/she does not need to be admitted to a clinic or hospital, EUROP ASSISTANCE will pay the expenses derived from the extension of the hotel stay, subject to prescription by a doctor, up to a limit of 100 euros/day for a maximum period of 10 days.

  4. Medical transport of ill or injured people.

    In the event of a sudden illness or accident of the Insured Party during the validity period of the contract and as a consequence of a trip made from his/her habitual residence, and provided that he/she is unable to continue the journey, EUROP ASSISTANCE will, as soon as it is notified, organise the necessary contact between its medical department and the doctors attending the Insured Party.
    When the EUROP ASSISTANCE Medical Department authorises the transfer of the Insured Party to a better equipped or more specialised hospital close to his/her habitual residence in Spain, EUROP ASSISTANCE shall execute this transfer in proportion to the severity thereof, via:

    • Special medical plane.
    • First class train.
    • Medical helicopter.
    • Ambulance.
    • Regular plane.

    The special medical plane will only be used in Europe and countries bordering the Mediterranean.
    Only medical requirements will be taken into account when choosing the means of transport and the hospital where the Insured Party shall be admitted.
    If the Insured Party refuses to be transferred at the time, and under the conditions established by the EUROP ASSISTANCE Medical Department, all guarantees and expenses incurred as a consequence of this decision will be automatically suspended.
    For the purposes of repatriation, the address stated in the policy contract will be considered as the person’s address in Spain.

  5. Early return of Accompanying Insured Parties.

    When the Insured Party has been transferred due to a sudden illness or accident in application of the provision “Medical transport of ill or injured people”, or due to death, and when this circumstance prevents the other Insured Parties from returning to their home by the means initially foreseen, EUROP ASSISTANCE will cover the corresponding expenses for their transfer to their habitual residence or to the place at which the Insured Party is hospitalised, by means of a plane (tourist class) or train (first class) ticket.

  6. .

    Return of a companion and reincorporation into the travel plan.

    In the event of “Medical transfer of ill or injured people” or the death of an Insured Party, another Insured Party included in the same contract or another direct contract with EUROP ASSISTANCE may be transferred, if he/she so wishes, free of charge, to the site of hospitalisation or burial.
    EUROP ASSISTANCE will provide the accompanying party with a return ticket, either a train (first class) or a regular airline (tourist class) ticket, for their incorporation into the originally foreseen travel plan, providing that the contract remains valid and the that the period of time between both journeys does not exceed seven days.

  7. Journey of a person to accompany the hospitalised Insured Party.

    If, during the trip, the Insured Party needs to be hospitalised for more than five days and he/she has no direct family member by their side, EUROP ASSISTANCE will provide a return ticket for a regular airline (tourist class) or train (first class) to a companion travelling from their habitual residence in Spain.

  8. Expenses for one person’s stay to accompany the hospitalised Insured Party.

    If, during the trip, the Insured Party needs to be hospitalised for more than five days and he/she has no direct family member by their side, EUROP ASSISTANCE will cover the stay and hotel expenses for someone to accompany the individual, upon presentation of the corresponding original invoices, up to a limit of 100 euros/day and for a maximum period of 10 days.

  9. Assistance to family members in the home of the hospitalised Insured Party

    If the Insured Party has to remain hospitalised due to a sudden illness or accident during their trip covered by the guarantees of the contract, and the presence of another person is required at his/her habitual residence, EUROP ASSISTANCE will arrange and pay for a return trip by plane (tourist class) or train (first class) for a person who resides in Spain to go to the habitual residence of the Insured Party, or cover the expenses of a household assistant up to a maximum limit of 100 euros, upon agreement being reached and the provision of original receipts.

  10. Return of the Insured Party in the event of a death of a family member.

    In the event of the death, in Spain, of a direct family member of the Insured Party who is currently undertaking a trip that is covered by this Policy, EUROP ASSISTANCE, upon receiving notice of the death, shall organise and pay for a return ticket on a regular airline (tourist class) or train (first class) to the burial site in Spain, within a maximum period of 7 days following the death, so that the Insured Party can attend the funeral.

  11. Return owing to the hospitalisation of a family member.

    In the event of the hospitalisation, in Spain, of more than 5 days, of a direct family member of the Insured Party who is currently undertaking a trip that is covered by this Policy owing to a serious accident or illness, EUROP ASSISTANCE, upon receiving notice of the hospitalisation, shall organise and pay for a return ticket on a regular airline (tourist class) or train (first class) to the hospital.

  12. Early return of the Insured Party in the event of

    a serious disaster in their habitual residence. If the Insured Party needs to interrupt their journey owing to the occurrence of a serious disaster in their habitual residence (such as fire, theft or flooding), EUROP ASSISTANCE will pay for a return ticket on a regular airline (tourist class) or train (first class) to his/her residence in Spain.

  13. Transfer of remains.

    In the event of the death of the Insured Party that occurs during a trip covered by the policy, EUROP ASSISTANCE shall organise and pay for the transfer of his/her remains to their burial site in Spain in the town/city of their habitual residence, and will cover fees for embalming, the cheapest obligatory coffin and administrative formalities. Under no circumstances does this coverage extend to funeral and burial expenses.
    This guarantee shall be applied regardless of the cause of death of the Insured Party.
    For these purposes, the address stated in the insurance contract will be considered as the person’s address in Spain.

  14. Accompaniment of minors or disabled people.

    If during the validity of the contract, Insured parties travelling with handicapped people or children under 14 years of age, who are also Insured parties, are unable to take care of them due to a sudden illness or accident covered by the Policy, EUROP ASSISTANCE will organize and pay for the trip, return trip, of a person resident in Spain designated by the Insured or his/her family, or of a EUROP ASSISTANCE hostess, in order to accompany the minors or disabled persons on their return to their habitual residence in Spain, and in the shortest time possible.

  15. Sending of medicinal products to foreign countries.

    If the Insured Party requires a medicinal product that cannot be obtained in their current location, EUROP ASSISTANCE shall be responsible for locating it and sending it to him/her via the fastest means possible, in accordance with Local Legislation.
    The Insured Party will be required to reimburse EUROP ASSISTANCE, upon presentation of the invoice, for the cost of the medicinal product.
    Cases of discontinued medicinal products and the non-availability thereof in Spanish distribution channels, and those in which a medicinal product containing the same active substance exists in the country in which the Insured Party is currently located, are excluded.

  16. Sending of documents and personal belongings to a foreign country.

    EUROP ASSISTANCE will organise and pay for the sending of objects required for the trip which were left at home before starting the trip (contact lenses, prostheses, glasses, credit cards, driver’s license, ID card and passport). This provision also extends to the home delivery of these objects when they have been left behind during the trip or recovered after a theft during the same.
    EUROP ASSISTANCE will only organise and pay for the delivery of packages of a maximum weight of 10 kilograms.

  17. Loss or theft of a passport during the trip in a foreign country.

    Cover is provided for duly justified administration and procurement costs arising from the replacement of a passport that was lost or stolen from the Insured Party during the trip or stays in a foreign country.
    Damages resulting from the loss or theft of the passport or its improper use by third parties are not covered by this coverage, and consequently will not be compensated.

  18. Search and location of luggage.

    In the event that the Insured Party suffers a delay or loss of their luggage, EUROP ASSISTANCE will help them to search for and locate said luggage, advising him/her on how to file the corresponding complaint. If the luggage is located, EUROP ASSISTANCE will send it to the Insured Party’s habitual residence in Spain, provided that the presence of the owner is not required for its recovery.

  19. Loss, damage and theft of luggage.

    If, during the course of a journey, the checked-in luggage is definitively lost or suffers serious deterioration that is attributable to the transportation company, EUROP ASSISTANCE guarantees the payment of up to 75 euros per object, up to a maximum value of 750 euros, by means of compensation.
    In order to be eligible for compensation, this loss or damage must be proven by means of the original receipt issued by the transportation company.
    In case of luggage theft, the pertinent complaint needs to be lodged with the corresponding authority in the place of the event, together with the complaint lodged against the Public Establishment if the theft took place in that site.
    In any event, it will be necessary to provide a detailed list including the values of the objects that were stolen, lost or damaged, as well as the original boarding pass.
    The integral or accessory parts of an object will not be compensated separately. Robbery, simple misplacement, money, jewellery, electronic and digital devices, documents, the theft of luggage or personal objects left in vehicles or camping tents, and any type of luggage that has not been checked in, are excluded.

  20. Loss, theft and damage of non-checked in luggage.

    EUROP ASSISTANCE will pay up to 35 euros per object, up to a total value of 350 euros, on top of the compensation received by the Insured Party from the transportation company.
    In order to be eligible for compensation, this loss or damage must be proven by means of the original receipt issued by the transportation company.
    In case of luggage theft, the pertinent complaint needs to be lodged with the corresponding authority alongside the complaint lodged against the Public Establishment if the theft took place in that site.
    In any event, it will be necessary to provide a detailed list including the values of the objects that were stolen, lost or damaged.
    The integral or accessory parts of an object will not be compensated separately. Robbery, simple misplacement, money, jewellery, documents and the theft of luggage or personal objects left in vehicles or camping tents are excluded.

  21. Luggage delay.

    If the delay in the arrival of the checked-in luggage is attributed to the transport company and exceeds 12 hours, or does not arrive on the same day, the expenses for the purchase of necessary personal items will be reimbursed up to a maximum value of 150 euros at the place where the delay occurred. To receive reimbursement, the corresponding original receipts, original boarding pass and the original confirmation of delay issued by the transportation company must be presented.
    This compensation will be deductible from the compensation corresponding to “Loss, damage and theft of luggage” in the event of definitive loss.
    This compensation will not be provided if the delay or the purchase of necessary personal use items occurred in the province of the Insured Party’s habitual residence.

  22. Travel delay.

    Reimbursement is guaranteed for actual and necessary expenses incurred at the place where the delay has occurred, which are caused by delays in public transport subject to established timetables, of more than 6 hours at the start of the journey, on presentation of the corresponding original invoices and the original proof of the delay, issued by the transportation company, and up to 50 euros for every 6 hours of delay and a total maximum limit of 300 euros.
    Compensation for delays occurring on non-scheduled flights are excluded.

  23. Loss of the means of transport owing to an accident on the way to and from work.

    EUROP ASSISTANCE guarantees the reimbursement of actual and necessary expenses incurred at the place where the loss of the means of transport has occurred, up to a limit of 150 euros, when said loss has occurred as a consequence of an accident involving the means of public or private transport with which the Insured Party is travelling to the place of departure of the contracted means of transport (airport, port, train station or bus station).

  24. Loss of Flight Connection.

    When there is a loss of the connection of scheduled flights which entails a waiting time of more than 6 hours, for reasons beyond the control of the Insured Party and attributable to the airlines, upon presentation of the original receipt issued by the transportation company, the actual and necessary costs incurred in the place where the connection was lost shall be reimbursed, upon presentation of the corresponding original receipts and up to a limit of 90 euros.
    Compensation for delays occurring on non-scheduled flights are excluded.

  25. Flight delay due to overbooking.

    If, as a result of the airline’s overbooking, the departure of the means of transport is delayed by more than 6 hours, EUROP ASSISTANCE will reimburse, upon presentation of the corresponding original invoices, up to 50 euros for every 6 hours of delay up to a maximum total value of 300 euros to cover basic expenses.
    Compensation for delays occurring on non-scheduled flights are excluded.
    The reimbursement will never exceed the price of the ticket for the journey flown.

  26. Alternative transport owing to lost connections.

    If the contracted means of public transport is delayed or cancelled due to technical failure, strike or social conflict, adverse weather conditions, natural disasters, extraordinary natural phenomena, intervention of authorities or other persons by force and, as a result of which, the Insured Party is prevented from making their connection with the next means of public transport that is closed and provided for in the ticket, EUROP ASSISTANCE will reimburse the cost of return transport to the place of origin or the cost of alternative transport to the final destination up to a total value of 300 euros.

  27. Cancellation expenses for a trip that has not started.

    Reimbursement is guaranteed up to a limit of 900 euros for travel cancellation expenses incurred by the Insured Party which are invoiced to him/her by application of the General Sales Conditions, in accordance with current applicable legislation and provided that the trip is cancelled before its start date and after the insurance has been taken out, and that at least 72 hours have passed between the policy being taken out and the event that caused the cancellation of the trip, and for one of the following causes:

    • Death of the Insured Party.
    • Bodily accident or serious illness which, on the date on which the Insured Party was due to start their trip, in the opinion of the EUROP ASSISTANCE Medical Department, prevents him/her from starting the trip on the foreseen date.
    • Hospitalisation or death of a Covered Direct Relative.
    • Serious damage caused by fire, explosion, theft or by force of nature in the individual’s main or secondary residence or in his/her professional premises if the Insured Party exercises a liberal profession or runs a business and his/her presence is absolutely necessary.
    • Non-disciplinary dismissal of the Insured Party from work or forced transfer of work leading to a change of address.
    • Starting a job in a new company in which he/she has not been contracted in the last six months. Multiple contracts drafted by temporary employment agencies (TEAs) to carry out work in other companies will be considered as contracts for the companies in which the employee carries out his/her activity.
    • Summons as a party, witness to a court case or member of a jury.

    The cancellation costs of an Insured Companion who is registered in the same reservation will be covered when the Insured Party has cancelled owing to one of the reasons set out in this guarantee, with the companion having to travel alone as a result of this cancellation. Minors who are insured and registered in the same travel reservation will also be covered by this guarantee when one of the accompanying adults cancels the trip for any of the reasons provided for in this guarantee.
    To claim compensation under this guarantee, the Insured Party must submit the following documents:

    1. Copy of the document proving the occurrence of the disaster (medical report or death certificate, fire report, police report, insurance company report, etc.). This document must reflect the date of occurrence (hospitalisation, death, disaster).
    2. Invoice and/or receipts for payment of the trip to the supplier, as well as a copy of the travel voucher issued by the supplier.
    3. Copy or photocopy

    It is essential that the cancellation costs of the trip are justified in the required documentation listed above.

  28. Holiday interruption.

    In the event of a holiday being interrupted owing to one of the justified causes laid out below:

    • Death of the Insured Party.
    • A bodily accident or serious illness requiring hospitalisation of at least one night which makes it medically impossible to continue the journey.
    • Hospitalisation or death of a direct family member.
    • Serious damage caused by fire, explosion, theft or by force of nature in the individual’s main or secondary residence or in his/her professional premises if the Insured Party exercises a liberal profession or runs a business and his/her presence is absolutely necessary.
    • Non-disciplinary dismissal of the Insured Party from work or forced transfer of work leading to a change of address.
    • Starting a job in a new company in which he/she has not been contracted in the last six months. Multiple contracts drafted by temporary employment agencies (TEAs) to carry out work in other companies will be considered as contracts for the companies in which the employee carries out his/her activity.
    • Summons as a party, witness to a court case or member of a jury.

    EUROP ASSISTANCE will reimburse the expenses corresponding to the days not spent at the Temporary Residence and up to a maximum amount of 800 euros for all Insured Parties as a whole. The Insured Party must present the document proving that he/she has paid for the accommodation in order to accredit said reimbursement.

  29. Security guard and custody in case of theft or fire at home.

    When, as a result of a theft, fire, flood or explosion, the Insured Party’s home is easily accessible from outside, EUROP ASSISTANCE will arrange and pay for security guards to be stationed at the residence until the disaster is rectified and for a maximum of 24 hours.

  30. Data recovery service.

    During the trip covered by this insurance contract, EUROP ASSISTANCE provides the Insured Party with a data recovery service for the data contained in internal information storage media used in the Insured Party’s digital devices that have been damaged in such a way as to accidentally cause the loss or deterioration of the information contained in such media.
    Only the following devices are covered:

    • Digital photo camera
    • Digital video camera

    Data recovery is valid when it has occurred due to software failure, accident, fire, damage due to theft, human error, mechanical failure or natural disaster and provided that it has occurred during the Insured Party’s trip.
    In the event of a disaster, the Insured Party must notify EUROP ASSISTANCE by calling the telephone number given in the Particular Conditions, where he/she will be given instructions for dismantling, packaging and sending the support.
    This communication must be made during the covered trip or during the seven days following its completion. If the disaster is not reported within this period, it must be proven that it occurred during the trip insured by this policy.
    The damaged support must be readily available, with EUROP ASSISTANCE facilitating its transfer from the residence of the Insured Party in Spain to the laboratory, where the data recovery will be executed in accordance with
    Contract 5J1. EUROP ASSISTANCE will carry out the diagnosis of the damaged device, recovering the data when possible, and then transporting the support with the recovered information from the laboratory to the residence of the Insured Party in Spain.
    If the damaged support has been discontinued or is no longer usable, the delivery of a new hard drive or DVD is covered.
    If the Insured Party requests this service when abroad, he/she shall incur the delivery costs of the support and its subsequent return.
    The provision of this data recovery service is limited to one disaster per Insured Party/trip and one device per Insured Party/trip, up to a maximum value of 1,200 euros.

  31. Transmission of urgent messages (derived from guarantees).

    EUROP ASSISTANCE, by means of a 24-hour service, will accept and transmit urgent messages from the Insured Parties, provided that these do not have another way of getting their messages to reach their destination, and provided that these are the consequence of a guarantee covered by the contract.

  32. Civil Liability.

    The insurance covers compensation of up to 30,000 euros for personal and material damage and/or consequential damage caused by the Insured Party to a third party which may be subject to a claim, in accordance with the current legislation in the corresponding country, due to liability of a non-contractual nature.
    Professional civil liability, liability deriving from the use and circulation of vehicles and liability deriving from the use or ownership of devices and weapons of any type or nature, as well as compensation for economic damages not deriving from prior personal or material damage, are expressly excluded.

  33. Accident insurance.

    EUROP ASSISTANCE guarantees compensation up to a limit of 30,000 euros, for the death or absolute permanent disability of the Insured Party, caused by an accident occurring during the contracted period.

    Object of the insurance

    The insurance is valid for accidents suffered by the Insured Party during the exercise of declared professional occupations and while carrying out any other daily activity that is not of a professional nature.

    1. The insurance extends to:
      1. Accidents arising from the use of normal means of locomotion on land and/or in water (excluding underwater).
      2. Accidents suffered by the Insured Party, as a passenger, on board an aircraft legally authorised for the commercial transport of passengers.
      3. Accidents arising from the driving of mopeds; the use and driving of motorcycles with or without
        a sidecar; private cars; vans or lorries with a total weight, including payload, not exceeding 3,500 kg; agricultural machinery and recreational craft.
        To include the risk of driving, the Insured Party must have the corresponding driving licence.
      4. Accidents suffered during participation in races or competitions and their corresponding tests and training, provided they are: official motor racing competitions, foot races, pétanque, golf, free underwater fishing, shooting, fencing, tennis, as well as business and inter-company competitions and all those of a recreational nature.
      5. Accidents suffered as a consequence of aggressions and acts of legitimate defence or popular uprisings in which the Insured Party has not taken an active part.
      6. Accidents suffered as a consequence of actions performed out of human solidarity, of recklessness and serious negligence, as well as in a state of syncope or unconsciousness, provided that this not been determined by drunkenness, sedative and/or stimulant abuse, use of narcotic and hallucinogenic substances, cardiopathies and/or strokes.
        For these purposes, the individual shall be considered as ‘drunk’ when the amount of alcohol in the blood is greater than 0.8 grams per thousand, or if the Insured Party is punished or sanctioned for this reason.
      7. Lightning strikes, sunstroke and the effects of prolonged exposure to heat and cold, which the Insured Party has been unable to avoid, as a result of an accident for which compensation is payable under the policy.
      8. Asphyxiation by sudden escape of gases and vapours and the consequences of accidentally inhaling said substances, excluding in any case the consequences of intoxication due to the abuse of alcoholic products, sedatives and/or stimulants and the use of narcotic substances and hallucinogens.
      9. Drowning in water.
      10. The consequences of all kinds of animal bites and insect stings, excluding malaria.
      11. Muscular tears that the Insured Party may suffer from which are caused by a sudden and extraordinary effort, as well as abdominal hernias due to a violent and sudden cause, with it being understood:
        1. That if the hernia, even if it is bilateral, is operable, the Insurer will only pay the Insured Party the compensation agreed in the insurance that corresponds to temporary disability, but only up to a maximum period of thirty days.
        2. That if the hernia, even if it is bilateral, is not deemed operable by a qualified doctor, compensation will be paid to the Insured Party that corresponds to permanent disability, not exceeding 10% of the capital sum stipulated in the insurance for the case of total permanent disability, and no compensation will be paid if the Insured Party dies as a result of the hernia.
      12. Accidents that occur during military service (except for parachuting and air transport of any kind) or civil service replacing it, all in peacetime, excluding, however, accidents that occur during public order manoeuvres, maintenance and restoration.
    2. The following are not covered by the Insurance:
      1. Accidents arising from driving and the use of means of transport not covered by guarantee 1.1.a), 1.1.b) and 1.1.c).
      2. The practice of boxing, weightlifting, fighting in its various forms, martial arts in general, mountaineering with rock wall climbing or access to glaciers, sledding, diving with the use of breathing apparatus, caving and air sports in general.
      3. Participation in races or competitions and their corresponding tests and training that are not described in guarantee 1.1.d).
      4. Accidents suffered in a state of drunkenness and/or mental derangement and those suffered as a result of one’s own criminal actions.
      5. Hernias and strains in general (except that indicated in Article 1.1.k), and the consequences of surgical operations or medical treatment,
        unless these are necessary as a result of the accident.
      6. Accidents arising from war, terrorism, mutiny, insurrection, participation in popular riots, seismic movements, events or actions of the Armed Forces or the Security Forces in times of peace, floods, volcanic eruptions, atypical cyclonic storms, falls of sidereal bodies and meteorites, thermal and atmospheric influences except those provided for in Article 1.1.g).
      7. The direct or indirect consequences of the transmutation of the atomic nucleus, as well as radiation caused by the artificial acceleration of atomic particles.

    Non-insurable people

    The accident insurance will not be valid in the case of death or for people who are under the age of 14 or disabled.
    The maximum age for the insurance is 70 years old. For people who reach this age limit, the insurance automatically ceases when the premium is next due.
    People suffering from apoplexy, epilepsy, paralysis, mental illness, delirium tremens, alcoholism, drug addiction, diabetes (except as provided for in the following paragraph) or other serious and/or permanent illnesses are not insurable, and the insurance ceases when they become apparent, with the Insurer returning the part of the annual premium paid for the accident insurance to the Policy Holder for the remaining time.
    The guarantee for people suffering from diabetes mellitus will be valid with the double non-derogable condition that:

    • The blood glucose level should not exceed 200 mg per decilitre.
    • Diabetes was not detected before the policy was taken out.

    Persons with significant physical disabilities or mutilations can only be insured by special agreement.

    Territorial limits

    Accident insurance is valid worldwide with the exception of cases of temporary disability and daily compensation in the event of hospitalisation, for which the insurance is valid only in Europe and the African Mediterranean countries, Asian Mediterranean countries and countries on the Black Sea.

    Accidental death

    If the accident results in the death of the Insured Party and said death occurs within one year of the day on which the accident occurred, the Insurer will pay the designated Beneficiaries—or, failing this, their inheritors—the amount provided for in the case of death.
    However, even if death occurs after this period, the Insurer will also pay the amount provided for if the Beneficiary proves that the death was the result of the same accident.

    Absolute permanent disability (100%) as a result of an accident

    When, due to the injuries suffered in an accident that occurred after the validity period of the Insured Party’s insurance policy, he/she suffers a permanent disability and it is proven that this took place within one year following the date of the accident, the Insurance Company guarantees 100% of the insured capital in the event of dementia or complete loss of reasoning; anatomical loss or functional impotence of both hands or both feet; total and irreversible paralysis of both upper and/or lower limbs or the simultaneous loss of an upper and lower limb; complete blindness or total loss of vision in one eye.

  34. Advance of funds.

    EUROP ASSISTANCE will advance funds to the Insured Party, in the case of loss or theft of credit or debit cards, up to a maximum value of 7,000 euros. EUROP ASSISTANCE will ask the Insured Party for some kind of guarantee or collateral to ensure the collection of said advance. In any case, the amounts advanced must be reimbursed to EUROP ASSISTANCE within a maximum period of 30 days.

  35. Advance of the amount required for bail abroad.

    If the Insured Party is imprisoned or prosecuted as a result of a traffic accident that takes place abroad, EUROP ASSISTANCE will grant him/her an advance equivalent to the amount required for bail by the corresponding authorities, up to a maximum amount of 12,000 euros. EUROP ASSISTANCE reserves the right to ask the Insured Party for some kind of guarantee or collateral to ensure the collection of said advance.
    In any case, the amounts advanced must be reimbursed to EUROP ASSISTANCE within a maximum period of 30 days.

  36. Payment of legal aid expenses incurred abroad.

    In application of the “Advance of the amount required for bail abroad”, EUROP ASSISTANCE will pay up to a maximum of 600 euros for the payment abroad of the lawyer’s and barrister’s fees arising from legal assistance deriving from a traffic accident.
    If this provision is covered by the vehicle’s Insurance Policy, it will be considered as an advance and the same conditions will apply as for the “Advance of the amount required for bail abroad”.

  37. Information Service.

    EUROP ASSISTANCE will provide all Insured Parties with a free and uninterrupted service 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, to facilitate information about all types of tourist matters, administrative formalities, medical information, travel and local living conditions, means of transport, accommodation, restaurants, etc.; as well as vehicle-related information such as workshops, petrol stations, insurance companies, etc.

  38. Legal Information Service.

    If the Insured Party, when travelling, requires legal information in their current location, EUROP ASSISTANCE will facilitate:

    • Information about the name, address and telephone number of lawyers and legal experts.
    • Interpreter service and a telephone translation service in the most widely spoken languages.
    • Information about embassies and consulates.


The guarantees detailed in each modality will cease at the moment the Insured Party returns to his/her habitual residence, or when he/she has been repatriated by EUROP ASSISTANCE to his/her home or to a hospital near it. As a general rule, expenses that have not been previously communicated to EUROP ASSISTANCE and those for which the corresponding authorisation has not been obtained are excluded. Foreigners who are residents in Spain when they travel to their home country will receive the same guarantees described in the contract for a trip to Spain. For the purposes of repatriation, the address stated in the insurance policy shall be deemed to be the habitual residence.
In any case, the guarantees do not cover damages, situations, expenses and consequences arising from:

  1. Pre-existing or chronic illnesses, injuries or conditions suffered by the Insured Party prior to the start of the trip as well as those that occur during the course of the trip.
  2. Voluntary waiver, delay or advance by the Insured Party for the medical transfer proposed by EUROP ASSISTANCE and agreed with their Medical Department.
  3. Mental illnesses, preventive medical check-ups, thermal cures, cosmetic surgery, AIDS and cases in which the purpose of the trip is to receive medical treatment or surgery, treatment with alternative medicines (homeopaths, naturists, etc.), the expenses derived from physiotherapeutic and/or rehabilitative treatments and those related to these.
    Also excluded are the diagnosis, follow-up and treatment of pregnancy, voluntary abortion and childbirth, except in the case of urgent procedures, and always prior to the sixth month.
  4. Participation of the Insured Party in bets, challenges or fights.
  5. Consequences deriving from the practice of winter sports.
  6. The practice of competition sports or motorised competition (races or rallies), as well as the practice of the dangerous or risky activities listed below:
    • The practice of boxing, weightlifting, fighting in its various forms, martial arts, mountaineering with access to glaciers, sledding, diving with the use of breathing apparatus, caving and ski jumping.
    • Aerial sports in general.
    • Adventure sports such as rafting, bungee jumping, riverboarding, canyoning and similar. In these cases EUROP ASSISTANCE will only intervene and cover the expenses incurred by the Insured Party from the moment that he/she started receiving treatment in a medical facility.
  7. Suicide, attempted suicide or self-harm of the Insured Party.
  8. Rescue of people stuck on/in a mountain, chasm, sea, or desert.
  9. Illnesses or accidents resulting from the consumption of alcoholic drinks, narcotics, drugs or medicines, unless the latter have been prescribed by a doctor.
  10. Malicious acts by the Policy Holder, Insured Party or the successor thereof.
  11. Epidemics and/or infectious diseases of sudden onset and rapid spread in the population, as well as those caused by pollution and/or air pollution.
  12. Wars, demonstrations, insurrections, tumultuous popular movements, acts of terrorism, sabotage and strikes, whether officially declared or not. The transmutation of the nucleus of the atom, as well as the radiation caused by the artificial acceleration of atomic particles. Telluric movements, floods, volcanic eruptions and, in general, those resulting from the unleashing of the forces of nature. Any other phenomenon of an extraordinary catastrophic nature or event which, due to its magnitude or seriousness, is qualified as a catastrophe or calamity. 13. Robbery, simple misplacement, money, jewellery, documents, the theft of luggage or personal objects left in vehicles or camping tents and any type of luggage that has not been checked in are excluded.
  13. Overbooking, except for the provisions given in “Travel delay due to overbooking in air transport”.
  14. Any cause that leads to the cancellation or annulment of the contracted trip and which is not specifically described as a guarantee covered in the corresponding article is expressly excluded.

  15. Irrespective of the above, the following situations are specifically excluded:

    1. The medical transfer of sick or injured people caused by conditions or injuries that can be treated “in situ”.
    2. The cost of glasses and contact lenses, as well as the acquisition, implantation/substitution, extraction and/or repair of prostheses and anatomical or orthopaedic pieces of any kind, such as neck braces.
    3. Reimbursement of medical, surgical and pharmaceutical expenses for which the amount is less than 50 euros.

    The following are excluded from the “Data recovery service”:

    1. The recovery of hardware, damaged or corrupt files and configuration CDs.
    2. The recovery of information from media that have been handled prior to delivery to EUROP ASSISTANCE.



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Our volunteers will be able to validate university credits with the aim of traveling in a more responsible and economical way.

What does volunteering focused on university practices involve?

At Cooperating Volunteers, we make agreements with different universities to validate university credits with the aim of traveling in a more responsible and economical way.

The specialties we work with are extensive: medical volunteering, nursing, education, social work, psychology, physiotherapy, engineering, architecture…

The practices can be carried out in our designated destinations for this purpose, as well as in Spain.

If you choose an international destination, it’s a unique way to live an unforgettable and enriching experience, as you will have the opportunity to continue your education in another country, with a completely different culture.

Stepping out of our comfort zone and being part of the various projects at the destination will allow us to grow both personally and professionally, creating a more extensive curriculum.

And we are fully convinced that this experience will accompany you throughout your life.

You will be able to visit hospitals, schools, centers, orphanages, and participate directly and actively in the daily lives of all those people at the destination, always accompanied by other professionals willing to collaborate hand in hand with you and guide you in daily tasks.

If your university is not part of the agreement with Cooperating Volunteers, you can contact so that we can get in touch and make this experience a reality. 


Corporate volunteering consists of tailored programs for your company, designed to develop teamwork skills.

It is proven that teamwork directly impacts productivity. 

Collective effort surpasses individual capabilities, promotes diversity of skills, stimulates creativity, and facilitates problem-solving in the face of various challenges.

Therefore, it not only maximizes efficiency but also enriches the work environment.

We conduct corporate volunteering programs that consist of customized programs for your company, designed to develop teamwork skills, improve performance, and foster unity among employees.

We tailor projects to the corporate identity and size of the company, and we can adjust them to any destination and time of the year.

The advantages of corporate volunteering include:

  • Improving communication.
  • Group unity.
  • Cultural integration in different situations.
  • Employee training.
  • Increased Corporate Social Responsibility.

The future is aligned with a more responsible society, and participating in social projects positions our company among the list of revolutionary businesses that want to be part of the change.

If you resonate with this message, corporate volunteering is a unique experience both individually and collectively, and at Cooperating Volunteers, we accompany you throughout the process to make it a unique journey.


Quality time spent with family strengthens emotional bonds, promotes communication, and contributes to the emotional well-being of its members. 

Spending quality time with family and being able to disconnect from our hectic routines is not only enriching but also necessary.

Sometimes we forget to communicate, connect, and dedicate time to each other. Each one of us lives focused on our jobs, schools… And it’s necessary to find the opportunity to pause and take care of ourselves.

Quality time spent with family strengthens emotional bonds, promotes communication, and contributes to the emotional well-being of its members. And of course, it creates lifelong positive memories.

At Cooperating Volunteers, we suggest moving away from those ‘more superficial’ trips (which can also be fantastic), but we invite you to live this experience to bring out our most empathetic and humanitarian side.

Family volunteering gives us the opportunity to be part of a positive impact, promoting values of solidarity and social responsibility.

There are many families who choose to experience these trips focused on cooperation and direct involvement with different communities around the world, where living conditions are very different and sometimes entirely precarious.

Projects are tailored to different ages, allowing us to work together.

An incredible way to fill our suitcase with memories, learning, and knowledge.

And although stepping out of our comfort zone often feels daunting, we assure you firsthand that it’s worth it.

At Cooperating Volunteers, we accompany you throughout the entire experience, from start to finish, to make it unforgettable.


At Cooperating Volunteers, we believe it’s never too late for anything, especially for volunteering and living a unique and unforgettable experience.

There are many people, increasingly so, who opt for responsible travel that involves social work.

Accustomed to organized and mostly touristic trips, at Cooperating Volunteers, we want to advocate for a more enriching experience, one that transforms us from within and allows us to be part of the change the world needs to see.

We can adapt both the destination and the duration of our projects to fit your needs.

It’s an opportunity full of emotions that allows us to significantly contribute to different communities and their evolution. And you can participate in different areas such as education, social support, or assistance in different centers.

Some of the benefits include:

  • Sense of purpose: Provides a sense of purpose by contributing your skills and experiences to meaningful causes.
  • Emotional well-being: Reduces feelings of isolation and establishes social connections.
  • Personal development: It’s continuous learning, skill development, and discovering new activities while keeping the mind-body active.
  • Physical health: Keeping active.
  • Stress reduction: The act of helping others reduces stress and contributes to mental health.

Living this experience will undoubtedly be a before and after. 


A volunteering initiative with leadership and impact through the educational action program.

When we talk about social volunteering, we refer to all those actions and activities carried out altruistically, selflessly, and with the aim of addressing multiple problems and needs of different communities, always focused on education and self-sufficiency.

Education is essential because it provides the tools and knowledge necessary for personal, social, and economic development.

Our goal is to create self-sufficient communities and provide opportunities for the future personal development of each member. The message is not to ‘give’, but to accompany in the process of training for self-managed provision.

At Cooperating Volunteers, many of our destinations and projects embrace this type of volunteering. Some of our projects include: community programs, education, women’s empowerment…

And although they are completely different from each other, they share a single objective: progress towards a society that can embrace us all in the same way.

If you are someone who is restless, who needs to see a change in the future, volunteering is an experience tailor-made for you.

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