Childcare Volunteer Program – Thailand

This childcare project is based in one of the temples in the province of Trat, Thailand. It was founded by the Dean of Wat Pai Lom. The aim of the Childcare Center is to provide primary education to children aged 3 to 5, allowing their parents to go to work. Being located in the temple, the center also involves the children in meditation along with their Buddhist studies.

The Wat Pai Lom Childcare Center aims to encourage and guide children to become creative and happy individuals and prepare them for primary school. The volunteer’s role is to play, dance, and sing while providing individual attention to the children.

As a volunteer, you will work alongside the school’s childcare staff. Daily tasks include assisting teachers with the children’s regular routines. You do not need to be a childcare specialist or a native speaker. You only need to have a passion for caring for and enjoying time with children.

The schedule will be organized upon arrival. Typically, you will be working in the morning from 8:00 to 15:00. The Childcare Center is within walking distance from our volunteer house.

– Our Childcare Center is located at Wat Pai Lom (a temple) in the city of Trat, in the southeastern province of Trat, Thailand.

Do you want to take part in this program? Apply

English Teaching Volunteer Program

The aim of this project is to help teach English to students in local schools and institutions in the vicinity of the city of Trat. Our program in Thailand especially works with schools in Trat that do not have the funds to employ English-speaking teachers. There are several primary schools in this area that need volunteers to assist local teachers.

Thai teachers greatly appreciate the help of native English speakers or those fluent in the language to assist in teaching their students how to speak English. Learning English provides Thai students with greater opportunities for future employment. There can be between 20 to 40 students in each classroom. Students are always happy to have volunteers in their classes to help with conversational aspects. The main objectives of this project are to assist students with their English language skills and also help them overcome the fear of speaking it.

In some schools, multiple sessions will be allocated where volunteers will work with small groups of students. You will need to create a lesson plan of your own, which should be loosely inspired by the English subject. So come prepared with plenty of engaging activities to make your classes fun and dynamic.

In this volunteer program in Thailand, volunteers will not be alone in the classrooms but will have Thai teachers or volunteer coordinators by their side.
Our English Teaching Volunteer Program is located in several primary schools in the center of Trat, Thailand.
Dress code: Teachers in Thailand dress in a professional manner.

Materials to bring: If you have any educational software or materials that can help with teaching English, please feel free to bring them. Any children’s English books, fairy tales, and board games are welcome.

Work plan: Usually, the volunteer works alongside another volunteer in one of the schools. Upon arrival, during the orientation day, the local team will inform the volunteer about the assigned school and schedules, among other instructions.

Dates when the program will be closed: The school will be closed during national holidays and school vacations:

Summer vacation: from April to mid-May.
Winter vacation: the entire month of October.
During holiday dates, it is possible to organize extra English classes, provided there is a minimum group of four volunteers.

Do you want to take part in this program? Apply

Sports volunteer program

Volunteers will work with children and get involved in teaching Physical Education (PE) and sports coaching to a group of primary schools in Trat, Thailand. The purpose of this volunteer program in Thailand is to provide sports enthusiasts with the opportunity to become athletes.

Volunteers will work alongside the physical education teacher of each school. Schools will organize sports activities according to the sport that best suits the volunteer. Regardless of whether you will work with a specific sport or the physical education program of the schools, there will always be a Thai teacher present to supervise and assist you.

The sports taught may vary, but typically include track and field, volleyball, table tennis, basketball, and soccer.

You don’t need to be a professional coach to enroll in this program. You only need to have a passion for sports and enjoy working with children. However, participants with experience in a particular sports field or physical education are welcome to enroll and share their knowledge, ideas, and skills.

Eight primary schools in the center of Trat are participating in the volunteer program. Your schedule will be organized upon arrival. Typically, you will work in three or four different schools. Most of the schools you will work at are close to the volunteer residence. If your school is not near the student residence, a school teacher will pick you up and take you to and from the school.

Dress code: You can wear standard sports attire while working, but tank tops are not allowed for both male and female volunteers. Sports attire is only worn when working in the field; otherwise, you should dress like a regular teacher.

Materials to bring: Most of the schools we work with are resource-poor schools where volunteers can support the quality of education, so there is no need to bring materials.

Work plan: Usually, the volunteer works alongside another volunteer in one of the schools. This program not only focuses on physical activities but also on teaching in the classroom related to sports, such as the rules applied to the physical activities that the volunteer will engage in.

It’s important to note that outdoor activities may be affected during the rainy season (May to October).

Program Closure Dates: The school will be closed during national holidays and school vacations:

  • Summer holidays: from April to mid-May
  • Winter holidays: October

Note: If there are groups of at least three volunteers during the summer holidays, summer sports camps can be organized with the school students. One week of volunteer program is available for this option.

Do you want to take part in this program? Apply

Computer Teaching volunteer program

Volunteers in this program will assist teachers in Thailand with teaching software, Office programs, and using various general computer functions. As a volunteer in this program, you will also have the opportunity to teach specialized computer topics such as basic programming, design, photography, music, and animation.

Our computer and technology volunteer program in Thailand is located in several primary schools in the center of Trat, Thailand.

Most of these schools are only a 15-minute bike ride from the volunteer house. You will be assigned to one or several schools. Most of these schools have a computer class with around thirty computers. Computer classes are part of the curriculum, and school classes will be led by a Thai teacher with the collaboration of volunteers. Most Thai teachers have very limited knowledge in this field, so they greatly appreciate your assistance through the volunteer program.

You don’t have to be a computer expert to participate in this program. Any college student who uses a computer for their university work will have sufficient skills.

Dress Code: Teachers in Thailand dress elegantly.

Work plan: Typically, the volunteer works alongside another volunteer in one of the schools. Upon arrival and during the orientation day, the local team will inform the volunteer of the specific school they have been assigned to, schedules (computer classes are 50 minutes long), and other instructions.

Program Closure Dates::

Schools will be closed during the summer holidays, but they will organize reinforcement programs during the summer.

  • From May 16th to October 10th and from November 1st to April 30th, volunteers will teach in schools.
  • From May 1st to May 16th and from October 11th to November 1st, volunteers will participate in summer classes organized by local teachers.

Do you want to take part in this program? Apply

English Teaching Volunteer Program in Monasteries

Teaching English to Buddhist monks in Thailand is a truly enlightening experience. Many of the monks come from impoverished backgrounds and do not have the opportunity to acquire knowledge in regular schools like many others.

Your main role at the temple school will be to assist the English teacher in the daily classes for monks aged between 10 and 18 years old. On a typical day, you will teach for two hours, conducting two classes in the afternoon. You will provide speaking and listening skills in English to the monk students and are also encouraged to lead your own activities with the assistance of Thai teachers. The monks’ English proficiency is usually quite low, so it is important to be enthusiastic, patient, and flexible. Volunteers offer the monk students the opportunity to learn about life outside their country, a perspective that will undoubtedly benefit their religious development.

In addition to teaching, you will need to dedicate time each day to prepare lessons for the next day. In Thailand, it is very common for temples to have daycares and schools on their premises. If you wish to extend your teaching hours, you can also participate in the daycare located on-site.

You can spend time with the monks during your free time or lunchtime, engaging in conversations, exchanging life stories, and, in return, listening to their stories and their different way of life.

Do you want to take part in this program? Apply

Special needs volunteer program

The Trat Special Day Care Center is run by the Thai government and is located on the outskirts of the city of Trat. Trat Special Day Care is dedicated to providing lifelong care and support to all special needs individuals in the province of Trat, currently serving approximately 206 individuals with special needs.

The children have various degrees of special needs, including autism, mental and physical disabilities, and Down syndrome. Not all 200 children can attend the center, so the care staff visits them and educates other family members on how to care for them on a regular basis. The volunteer will assist this project by helping teachers and care staff in the day-to-day operation of the center, including providing personalized care to the children. Ideally, this project requires volunteers with experience in this field. However, volunteers who have the drive and enthusiasm to work with children with special needs and are interested in the teaching methods and practices used in Thailand are welcome to apply.

You may be studying in the field of special needs education, psychology, or nursing; all of these disciplines have transferable skills that can be used for the project. The center aims to provide children with a caring and stimulating environment to help them develop their potential in life.

Do you want to take part in this program? Apply


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Our volunteers will be able to validate university credits with the aim of traveling in a more responsible and economical way.

What does volunteering focused on university practices involve?

At Cooperating Volunteers, we make agreements with different universities to validate university credits with the aim of traveling in a more responsible and economical way.

The specialties we work with are extensive: medical volunteering, nursing, education, social work, psychology, physiotherapy, engineering, architecture…

The practices can be carried out in our designated destinations for this purpose, as well as in Spain.

If you choose an international destination, it’s a unique way to live an unforgettable and enriching experience, as you will have the opportunity to continue your education in another country, with a completely different culture.

Stepping out of our comfort zone and being part of the various projects at the destination will allow us to grow both personally and professionally, creating a more extensive curriculum.

And we are fully convinced that this experience will accompany you throughout your life.

You will be able to visit hospitals, schools, centers, orphanages, and participate directly and actively in the daily lives of all those people at the destination, always accompanied by other professionals willing to collaborate hand in hand with you and guide you in daily tasks.

If your university is not part of the agreement with Cooperating Volunteers, you can contact so that we can get in touch and make this experience a reality. 


Corporate volunteering consists of tailored programs for your company, designed to develop teamwork skills.

It is proven that teamwork directly impacts productivity. 

Collective effort surpasses individual capabilities, promotes diversity of skills, stimulates creativity, and facilitates problem-solving in the face of various challenges.

Therefore, it not only maximizes efficiency but also enriches the work environment.

We conduct corporate volunteering programs that consist of customized programs for your company, designed to develop teamwork skills, improve performance, and foster unity among employees.

We tailor projects to the corporate identity and size of the company, and we can adjust them to any destination and time of the year.

The advantages of corporate volunteering include:

  • Improving communication.
  • Group unity.
  • Cultural integration in different situations.
  • Employee training.
  • Increased Corporate Social Responsibility.

The future is aligned with a more responsible society, and participating in social projects positions our company among the list of revolutionary businesses that want to be part of the change.

If you resonate with this message, corporate volunteering is a unique experience both individually and collectively, and at Cooperating Volunteers, we accompany you throughout the process to make it a unique journey.


Quality time spent with family strengthens emotional bonds, promotes communication, and contributes to the emotional well-being of its members. 

Spending quality time with family and being able to disconnect from our hectic routines is not only enriching but also necessary.

Sometimes we forget to communicate, connect, and dedicate time to each other. Each one of us lives focused on our jobs, schools… And it’s necessary to find the opportunity to pause and take care of ourselves.

Quality time spent with family strengthens emotional bonds, promotes communication, and contributes to the emotional well-being of its members. And of course, it creates lifelong positive memories.

At Cooperating Volunteers, we suggest moving away from those ‘more superficial’ trips (which can also be fantastic), but we invite you to live this experience to bring out our most empathetic and humanitarian side.

Family volunteering gives us the opportunity to be part of a positive impact, promoting values of solidarity and social responsibility.

There are many families who choose to experience these trips focused on cooperation and direct involvement with different communities around the world, where living conditions are very different and sometimes entirely precarious.

Projects are tailored to different ages, allowing us to work together.

An incredible way to fill our suitcase with memories, learning, and knowledge.

And although stepping out of our comfort zone often feels daunting, we assure you firsthand that it’s worth it.

At Cooperating Volunteers, we accompany you throughout the entire experience, from start to finish, to make it unforgettable.


At Cooperating Volunteers, we believe it’s never too late for anything, especially for volunteering and living a unique and unforgettable experience.

There are many people, increasingly so, who opt for responsible travel that involves social work.

Accustomed to organized and mostly touristic trips, at Cooperating Volunteers, we want to advocate for a more enriching experience, one that transforms us from within and allows us to be part of the change the world needs to see.

We can adapt both the destination and the duration of our projects to fit your needs.

It’s an opportunity full of emotions that allows us to significantly contribute to different communities and their evolution. And you can participate in different areas such as education, social support, or assistance in different centers.

Some of the benefits include:

  • Sense of purpose: Provides a sense of purpose by contributing your skills and experiences to meaningful causes.
  • Emotional well-being: Reduces feelings of isolation and establishes social connections.
  • Personal development: It’s continuous learning, skill development, and discovering new activities while keeping the mind-body active.
  • Physical health: Keeping active.
  • Stress reduction: The act of helping others reduces stress and contributes to mental health.

Living this experience will undoubtedly be a before and after. 


A volunteering initiative with leadership and impact through the educational action program.

When we talk about social volunteering, we refer to all those actions and activities carried out altruistically, selflessly, and with the aim of addressing multiple problems and needs of different communities, always focused on education and self-sufficiency.

Education is essential because it provides the tools and knowledge necessary for personal, social, and economic development.

Our goal is to create self-sufficient communities and provide opportunities for the future personal development of each member. The message is not to ‘give’, but to accompany in the process of training for self-managed provision.

At Cooperating Volunteers, many of our destinations and projects embrace this type of volunteering. Some of our projects include: community programs, education, women’s empowerment…

And although they are completely different from each other, they share a single objective: progress towards a society that can embrace us all in the same way.

If you are someone who is restless, who needs to see a change in the future, volunteering is an experience tailor-made for you.