The center originated as an orphanage, but situated in a slum where there were no other educational facilities, children from the surrounding area began attending upon witnessing others learning and participating in activities. The director subsequently incorporated them into the classes, and to this day, many children from the neighborhood, unable to afford school fees, come to the Orphanage-School to learn, eat, and spend the day.
The children at the center need love, attention, care, and education. Due to the challenges these children face in their environment, education plays a crucial role in the development of the community. The ages of the children range from 3 to 18 years, which are critical years for their education and development.
Volunteers mainly help with teaching subjects like English or Mathematics. They also organize recreational activities such as singing, dancing, drawing, and other educational pursuits. Furthermore, volunteers are encouraged to conduct awareness programs about the importance of good hygiene, tooth brushing, and showering. They will strive to foster the children’s skills and create the best possible environment.
NOTE: While it is not necessary for volunteers to provide educational resources, having some prior ideas about the topics to be covered in classes during the volunteering period would be ideal. Working hours are typically between 3 to 4 hours per day.