The overall health of average Fijians is quite good, as most young people take an interest in sports and begin their training at an early age. However, as they age, especially women tend to experience obesity, particularly after giving birth. Since the majority of the local population lives in villages, they have limited to no knowledge about hygiene and nutrition. This results in a wide range of diseases such as hyperglycaemia, cholesterol, hypertension, etc. Other common ailments in the villages include skin rashes/injuries, urinary infections, gum diseases, and heart conditions.
Our health education initiative is in its early stages and requires the skills of both established medical and healthcare professionals and those interested in teaching basic first aid and personal hygiene. The need for participants at both ends of the medical spectrum arises due to the significant disparities in hygiene and health practices. Besides requiring qualified professionals to conduct health camps and dental check-ups, we also need participants who can educate people in areas of basic first aid and personal hygiene, such as handwashing, teeth brushing, and general cleanliness. This contributes to the prevention of many preventable health issues and easily transmissible diseases.
If you are interested in educating people in simple hygiene techniques, we invite you to join the Health Education project. Medical professionals who can provide guidance on project development are immensely valuable; however, having medical training is not a prerequisite for participants. As a participant in this project, you can support the implementation of healthcare campaigns in local schools/villages around Sigatoka, actively teaching the importance of basic hygiene, emphasizing proper teeth brushing, handwashing, and overall body cleanliness. Many of the daily routines we take for granted are not common practices with the children you will encounter, but starting simple education from the beginning can greatly aid in immediate and future healthcare. If you have medical knowledge, clinics for check-ups for children and adults in the area can be organized with your help.