The program takes place in one of the medical centers in the Arusha community. These centers have gradually developed from being primary care facilities or facilities for pregnant women and children to becoming significant medical centers in Arusha. Some of the medical departments include obstetrics/gynecology, pediatrics, maternity, radiology, dentistry, and care activities, as well as treatment and coordination for people living with HIV, and an operating theatre (which performs an average of 50-70 procedures each month).
As a volunteer, you will participate in a variety of activities depending on your skill level and education. Your day-to-day tasks will involve providing support to local doctors, nurses, and other healthcare professionals who offer both hospital and outpatient care. This may include monitoring, observing, and providing health education information to the community. The program is ideal for medical or nursing students who want to learn about healthcare in Africa.
Goals and objectives
- Assisting hospital staff in delivering medical care.
- Gaining valuable practical experience.
- Observing the medical practices of local staff in the hospital in Arusha.
- Expanding your perspective on international medical treatment and care.
Minimum duration: 2 week
IMPORTANT: required to be studying at least 3rd year of Medicine or Nursery